Export XY Data from Altium

When it comes time to build your assemblies, it’s critical that we have XY data (sometimes called Centroid data) for your SMT components.

If you’re using Altium then generating this file is a piece of cake. With your .PcbDoc loaded go to File - Assembly Outputs - Generate Pick and Place Files and a new window will pop-up.

Many customers ask us what information we need in these files. We recommend a minimum of

  • Center-X

  • Center-Y

  • Rotation

  • Designator

  • Layer (if double-sided)

But you can also include extra data. It won’t hurt anything and we can maybe even use it as a cross reference to double-check other important details. When choosing a format, we prefer Metric units and a CSV format. Here’s a screenshot of what we prefer customers choose before clicking the Export button.

Export XY From Altium.png

Once this is exported, be sure to include the file in your Request For Quote. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at info@worthingtonassembly.com or give us a call at (413) 397-8260.